
Perfumery and soap factories

Quebec’s perfumeries and soap factories are captivating places where the senses are in the spotlight. These establishments are dedicated to creating captivating perfumes, artisan soaps and high-quality natural skincare products. By visiting a perfumery, you will discover collections of exquisite perfumes, often inspired by Quebec landscapes and traditions. Local perfumers are true fragrance artists, creating unique compositions that capture the essence of the province. Soap factories are another gem, producing artisanal soaps based on natural and local ingredients, often scented with essential oils. Some perfumeries and soap makers even offer workshops where you can create your own personalized perfume or soap, offering a unique olfactory experience. Whether you are looking for a signature fragrance, natural care products or unique gifts, Quebec’s perfumeries and soapmakers invite you to explore the art of perfumery and soap making. It’s a sensory adventure that will take you through scents and textures while introducing you to local crafts.
